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Angelic Signature for bespoke logo selection

Angelic Signature is a unique service where I help you discover the logo that is a perfect match for you and your business.


A logo is an identity or a unique signature for any business. It carries a special energy of its own. It has the potential to help you flourish and prosper in your chosen line of work. A bespoke logo helps attract soul clients and true abundance for your business. 


Your angels and masters want you to prosper and achieve all your dreams. They want you to live in abundant prosperity. Your Angels want you to know that there is a logo which is a perfect fit for you and your business.


I have designed this unique service, which blends the science of Graphology with Sacred Geometry and Angelic guidance. 

You receive assistance with: 

  1. Personalised logo selection or correction, with appropriate colours suitable for you and your business.

  2. Signature reading and correction of the owner/ partners/ directors.

  3. Crystal Solutions for space clearing of the office and residence of the owner/ partners. 

  4. Layout for the business card.

  5. Layout for the letter heads and envelopes.

  6. Graphologically correct way of writing the name of your company/ enterprise/ service.


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